The Greatest Love
Here we are, at one of those moments of the year when the world splits in two: Valentine’s Day – you either love it or hate it. There are also those who display blissful indifference, but let’s face it – they’re rare, and in any case, I suspect it’s just a tactic to avoid disappointment if they don’t get any special greetings.
San Valentine's day: yes or no?
What is the point of having an entire Day dedicated to Love in 2025
Personally, my passion for Valentine’s Day began when I discovered the broader meaning of this celebration of lovers. It is mentioned by Shakespeare in Hamlet, but the oldest reference we have is in a letter written at the beginning of the 15th century by Charles of Orléans addressed to his wife. However, the origins of this celebration date back to the end of the 5th century when, to transcend ancient Roman rituals, a religious day of remembrance was
established in honour of the martyred bishopValentine of Terni who two hundred years earlier, as the legend goes, blessed a couple of lovers whose union had been opposed.
In short, it is not some devilish invention of modern-day marketing, it’s the perfect moment for those who like to explore the depths of their hearts and to listen to their feelings.
Loving and Honoring Ourselves first
A while ago, I came across an interview of Viola Davis in the People magazine. The American actress, who won an Oscar for Fences in 2016 and became famous for her role in Doubt in 2008 and The Help in 2011, explains at one point: “What I tell my daughter right now is, ‘Genesis, you are the love of your life’” and then she adds: “‘You have to start right now to have a radical love affair with yourself, to be in touch with your inner voice, what you like, what you don’t like, what’s crossing the boundaries. And you honour that’”.
I propose that we take Davis’s words to heart, starting this Valentine’s Day.
Let’s dedicate some thought to ourselves, cultivate joy, smile to ourselves, giggle at our little quirks and, why not, give ourselves a gift.
It could be a book, an afternoon at the spa, a ticket to that exhibition we haven’t been able to see yet. Or a dress, one that’s a little special, to wear when we feel like dreaming.
Cristina Manfredi